Here are answers to some frequently asked questions.

How much will a new website cost?

The cost of your website will depend on your goals. I offer services for personal content, self-employed people, small business owners, and extensive business establishments. Therefore, the complexity of each website will depend on your needs. I encourage you to contact me and discuss available options.  

How long will it take to build a new website?

A typical customized website can take between a few weeks or months to build, depending on the complexity of your project. This includes discovery time, design time, initial development, and modifications. As long as I have all the required details from you, there will be no problem getting your website live as soon as possible.

Will you maintain my site for me?

Most definitely! Customer satisfaction is my biggest priority, and I offer this service at a small extra cost. I can arrange a maintenance package to suit your needs but don’t forget that I’m only an email away and am here to help you as much as you need.

Will you write the content for the site?

The content of your website should represent you and what you have to offer; therefore, you must decide what your website says about you. If you need help writing this content, or need a professional to go over grammar and syntax, for example, I offer a copywriting package.

Do you provide website hosting?

A good web hosting service maintains a stable and secure storage space for your website and content. I don’t offer hosting solutions but I have an extensive list of reliable, safe, and cost-effective expert web hosting companies to which I can refer you.

I already have a website. Can you still help me?

Great news! My services are used to build and design new as well as existing website platforms. I can improve the performance of your website and complete our accuracy audits and tests without interruption to your existing platform.

Can you guarantee improvements in SEO rankings?

No SEO company can promise a number one ranking for your site for a specific keyword. There are too many variables in play that determine placement, such as search engine algorithms and competitor efforts. I’ll do my best to help you achieve high rankings, but there’s no guarantee.

How long will it take to see SEO results?

There is no definitive answer to this question because search engines update their algorithms all the time. SEO does not work instantly, however, most users see results in as low as 2-3 months, sometimes even within a month’s time.

When will I receive my audit report?

Depending on the size of your website and what package you require, audit completion usually takes between 1-2 weeks.

Will I receive source files and source codes?

Of course! I will generate editable source files and codes for all graphics and/or mobile applications. You’ll also receive full ownership rights to the assets.

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